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JavaScript JavaScript Basics Making Decisions in Your Code with Conditional Statements The Conditional Challenge

Jezz Rose
Jezz Rose
2,177 Points

Why do I have blank blue screen? Where is my quiz pop up?

When I preview the program I have no pop up coming up, just the blue screen. Have I missed something?


  1. Store correct answers
    • When quiz begins, no answers are correct */ let points = '0';

// 2. Store the rank of a player let rank = '';

// 3. Select the <main> HTML element const main = document.querySelector("main");


  1. Ask at least 5 questions
    • Store each answer in a variable
    • Keep track of the number of correct answers */ const answer1 = prompt("What is the capital of Romania?"); if ( answer1.toUpperCase() === 'BUCHAREST' ) { points += 1;

const answer2 = prompt("Who is the Prime Minister of Romania?"); if ( answer2.toUpperCase() === 'NICOLAE CIUCA' ) { points += 1;

const answer3 = prompt("How many years has Therme Bucharest been open?"); if ( answer3.toUpperCase() === 'SEVEN' ) { points += 1;

const answer4 = prompt("What is teh national animal of Romania?"); if ( answer4.toUpperCase() === 'EURASIAN LYNX' ) { points += 1;

const answer5 = prompt("Did you like this quiz?"); if ( answer5.toUpperCase() === 'YES' ) { points += 1;


  1. Rank players award on number of correct answers
    • 5 correct = Gold
    • 3-4 correct = Silver
    • 1-2 correct = Bronze
    • 0 correct = No crown */

if ( points === 5 ) { rank = "Gold"; } else if ( points >= 3) { rank = "Silver"; } else if ( points >= 2) { rank = "Bronze"; } else { rank = "Poop ;P"; }

// 6. Output results to the <main> element main.innerHTML = <h2>You got ${points} out of 5 questions correct.</h2> <p>Award earned: <strong>${rank}</strong></p> ;

1 Answer

7,094 Points
  1. The points variable should not be this let points = '0'; it should be this let points = 0; without "".
  2. After each if(answer....) { your missing the closing ---> } <--- An if statment should look like this: if(this) { that } Try it out with fixing it and let me know if it fixed your game. Thanks
Jezz Rose
Jezz Rose
2,177 Points

Thanks! It's been a while so I'm very rusty!

7,094 Points

please if it helped you then push me up to make me earn points, Thanks